Srivaranam Organisation for the Environmental Education (SOEE)


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Srivaranam Organization for the Environmental Education (SOEE) continuously looks for opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-sharing with like-minded to collaborate or work with Non-governmental Organizations (NGO), academia and other institutions.

We believe in the collaborative approach as it helps in harnessing collective knowledge, experience and skills towards a common goal(s). Collaboration also enables us to strengthen the learning objective by adapting and rolling out relevant ideas that have been successfully tested elsewhere.

We are great to share that our organization, SOEE, had a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a well-established NGO, Bless Society of Rural and Urban Development, located in Bangalore to work on it’s prominent social activities.

Affiliation with the European NGO mainly works on environmental activities of the Europe and rest of the World.

As a member of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), we interact with restoration practitioners and researchers around the world to identify best practices for the aspects of ecological restoration.

SOEE is a proud participant of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles.

Stakeholder of the UN Global Compact.